highstand systems tract

  • 网络高位体系域;高水位体系域
highstand systems tracthighstand systems tract
  1. Lowstand System Tracts of Early and Metaphse Jurassic Period was undergrown , of which Transgressive Systems Tract and Highstand Systems Tract made up .


  2. Moreover , based on the farther analysis of some lithology section , volcanic stratigraphy also frequently appears in the top and bottom of 3-order sequence , such as lowstand systems tract and highstand systems tract .


  3. While platform margin advanced orderly in highstand systems tract stage of sequence 3-4 , showing combinatorial relation offlaped .


  4. Besides , the storm deposit is a important indication for identifying the transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract in outcrop sequence stratigraphy dividing .


  5. And ( 4 ) fan delta , braid delta , delta and fluvial sand stone pools of immediate post rift highstand systems tract .


  6. Sequence three can subdivided into transgressive and regressive systems tract . Other third-order sequence can be subdivided into lowstand systems tract , transgressive systems tract and highstand systems tract .


  7. The bedded dolostone reservoirs at the northern culmination were developed in the upper highstand systems tract of Sequences 3 , and horizontally occur between the oolitic shoals and micritic limestone .


  8. Deltaic foreset in large S-type and obligue type configuration , developed in highstand systems tract , and composed of deltaic sand / mud sediments , prograde from shelf margin to the sea basin .


  9. During the stage of opening peak or transition from opening to closing , the dominance of the transgression systems tract and highstand systems tract were not obvious and the sequence stratigraphic architecture styles were dominated by the TH style ;


  10. The paper put forward the particular mode of Sequence Stratigraphy in the foreland basin , which includes Lacustrine Margin Alluvial Systems Tract ( AST ), Lacustrine Expanding Systems Tract ( LTST ), and Lacustrine Highstand Systems Tract ( LHST ) .


  11. The sequences are only composed of transgressive systems tract ( TST ) and highstand systems tract ( HST ) because of lack of lowstand systems tract ( LST ), and in fact the sequences are mainly composed of HST because of poor development of TST .
